Timeline Planning

At least a month before your event. Brainstorm ideas with your organization. How does this program fit the mission/goals of your organization?
At least a month before your event. Develop a budget. Contact artists or vendors. You can get a template from ASPB or develop one on your own.
Three weeks before your event. Reserve space for your event.(if you are reserving a park in IV, you must start this process at least one month in advance).Once you have your space confirmed, confirm your performers and vendors. Depending upon the space you are reserving, contact appropriate campus scheduler to reserve room. Don’t make any plans or promises to anyone until you receive a confirmation email about your space! download scheduling facilities pdf
Three weeks before the event. Develop an advertising plan
Publicize your event on the campus-wide calendar
At least two weeks before the event. Submit  requests for funding to co-sponsoring groups (i.e. Finance Board, other AS Boards and Committees, After Dark)
Two weeks before the event *(after funding has been approved) *Order food*Implement advertising plan*Delegate tasks

Have a meeting with the service providers (i.e. CSO, Hub manager) to finalize details of event.

Remember the University has policies governing the use of food at events—must use approved caterers, University food service, or prepare at approved kitchen with food permit.
At least two weeks before the event. Make sure contracts are signed and requisitions made for any checks needed.  Contract templates are available from ASPB or Marilyn. Any contracts need to be signed by an AS manager.  Students cannot contract on behalf of the UC.
At least one week before you need the check Submit completed check requests to
AS Administration along with a copy of the completed contract.
Event Date HAVE THE EVENT!!! Make sure to clean up
2 weeks after the event Follow up on bill payments Make sure all requisitions were completed and that you received final bills for any services.
  • Everything costs money – no really, everything.
  • Everything requires paperwork – no really, everything.
  • Even before you reserve the room, you need to know the budget – the budget will control everything else.
  • It is worth the time to sit down and determine “what is the goal of this meeting?” or “what has to happen for you to declare this event a success?” before you even prepare the budget.
  • Keep all emails/copies of paperwork for reference.
  • If corresponding with a certain person, group, or company often, create a folder in your inbox and set up a filter for their emails – it is easier to track messages than scrolling your inbox to find one specific one.
  • If it isn’t an emergency, don’t call it one – most service people on campus will find it refreshing and it goes a long way to establishing a good long-term relationship.
  • If you messed up, say so, especially when you need an on-campus service group.
  • Find humor in everything that goes wrong or you’ll go crazy.
  • Use variety when publicizing your event – send emails, flyers, hang posters, write a press release, create a facebook group . . .
  • Remember that it is your responsibility to plan for individuals with disabilities – find out ahead of time if an interpreter or special access accommodations will be necessary.

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