After an event, it’s important to evaluate how it went. Download an evaluation form here.
Things to consider (not a complete list)
- Would you recommend this location again? If so why? If not, where would you suggest having the event?
- Attendance
- Did the date and time of your event work well?
- What factors impacted attendance? Suggestions for scheduling this event in the future?
- How many student tickets were sold?
- How many non-student tickets were sold?
- How many event safety staff were present (break down CSO, Police, ASPB Event staff, professional concert staff)?
- What event expenses were more than you expected?
- Where there any budget “surprises”?
- How many volunteers helped plan this event?
- How many volunteers helped at the actual event?
- Did the event meet your goals? Did it fulfill the purpose that was proposed?
- What was your publicity plan for the event? What worked well/What didn’t?
- How were your committee members involved? What suggestions can you make to involve more students in this program?
- Would you recommend this agency/ artist? Why or why not?
- What changes would you recommend making to this event to make it more successful?
- Did you utilize outside vendors/food service/ providers for this event? If so, who were they and would you utilize them again? Why or why not?